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Mine Engineers, Inc. has developed detailed mine plans, equipment schedules, sequences, productivity, costs, and other specific items on several difference dragline operations and proposed operations. Types of operations range from single seam side cast stripping to multiple thick and thin seam stripping utilizing extended bench, two pass, spoil side, cast blasting, and other techniques to complete overburden and interburden removal. Applications engineering work has also included review of existing operations and development of modifications for improved productivity. Representative projects include the following:

bullet.gif (1185 bytes) Associated Electric Cooperative Prairie Hill Mine · Prairie Hill, Missouri

Pit design, alignment, sequence, productivity, and cost for single seam operation. 90, 55, 32, and 12 cubic yard Bucyrus Erie and Marion machines.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes) Colowyo Coal Company Colowyo Mine · Meeker, Colorado

Stripping configuration, sequence and schedule for multiple seam operation. 34 and 18 cubic yard Bucyrus Erie machines.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes) Cordero Mining Company Cordero Mine · Gillette, Wyoming

Pit design, alignment, sequence, and productivity for single thick seam operation at 90 cubic yard Marion machine.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes)Diamond Alaska Coal Co. Diamond Chuitna Mine · Beluga Coal Field, Alaska

Pit design, alignment, sequence, productivity, cost, and schedule for proposed multiple seam operation. 85 and 57 cubic yard Bucyrus Erie machines.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes)Kennecott Energy, Antelope Coal Company Antelope Mine · Douglas, Wyoming

Complete evaluation of alternative stripping sequence and associated productivity.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes)London Aggregates

Complete dragline feasibility study including dragline application at limestone quarry.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes) MIBRAG mbH Theissen, Germany

Application of draglines in recovery of final highwall. 75 cubic yard class machine.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes) Mission Engineering, Inc. Billings, Montana

Range diagrams and shipping sequence for new Powder River Basin mine utilizing cubic yard dragline.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes) Navasota Mining Company, Inc. Gibbons Creek Mine · College Station, Texas

Pit design, alignment, sequence, productivity, and schedule for two seam operation. 83 cubic yard Bucyrus Erie machines.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes) Thunder Basin Coal Company Black Thunder Mine · Wright, Wyoming

Evaluation of alternatives for in-seam parting removal and associated dragline sequence.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes) Thunder Basin Coal Company Black Thunder Mine · Wright, Wyoming

Evaluation of pit width and alternatives to increase productivity of 165 cubic yard Bucyrus Erie machine.

bullet.gif (1185 bytes) Washington Irrigation and Development Company Centralia Coal Mine · Centralia, Washington

Pit design, stripping configuration, alignment, and schedule for multiple dipping seam operation. 56 cubic yard Bucyrus Erie machines.

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